$mDSN : string
Data source name.
This data member holds the data source name, or DSN, it is an URL connection string that should be compatible with the {@link parse_url()} function. This string should hold all the connection parameters.
Collection object
This abstract class is the ancestor of all classes representing database collection instances, this class extends the {@link ConnectionObject} class to implement collection specific functionality prototypes.
In this library we use the MongoDB query language to express selection criteria, when deriving classes that handle different database engines you can translate the Mongo query into the native language of the specific database engine.
$mParent : \OntologyWrapper\ConnectionObject
Parent connection.
This data member holds the parent connection object, this value should be an instance derived from this class which is used to instantiate the current object's connection resource.
$mDictionary : \OntologyWrapper\Dictionary
This protected data member holds the data dictionary reference.
__construct(mixed $theParameter, \OntologyWrapper\ConnectionObject $theParent)
Instantiate class.
The object may be instantiated as an empty object, by omitting both parameters; with a data source name in the form of a connection URL; or by providing an array of tag/value parameters which will constitute the object's offsets.
If you provide a data source name, this must be parsable by the {@link parse_url()} function, if this is not the case, you should use the parameters list.
If the first parameter was provided, the method will synchronise both the data source name and the connection parameters.
The second parameter represents the connection parent, it must be an instance derived from this class and will only be set by the constructor.
When overloading the constructor in derived classes you should always first call the parent method and then perform custom actions.
mixed | $theParameter | Data source name or parameters. |
\OntologyWrapper\ConnectionObject | $theParent | Connection parent. |
commit(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theObject, array $theOptions) : mixed
Insert an object
The method expects the provided parameter to be either an array or an {@link ArrayObject} instance.
The method will call the virtual {@link insertData()} method, passing the received object to it, which will perform the actual commit.
The method will return the inserted object's identifier, {@link kTAG_NID}.
This method will also take care of setting the {@link kTAG_CLASS} offset.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theObject | Object to commit. |
array | $theOptions | Insert options. |
Inserted object identifier.
save(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theObject, array $theOptions) : mixed
Save or replace an object
The method expects the provided parameter to be either an array or an {@link ArrayObject} instance.
The method will call the virtual {@link replaceData()} method, passing the received object to it, which will perform the actual replace.
The method will return the replaced object's identifier, {@link kTAG_NID}.
This method will also take care of setting the {@link kTAG_CLASS} offset.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theObject | Object to commit. |
array | $theOptions | Insert options. |
Replaced object identifier.
delete(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theObject, array $theOptions) : mixed
Delete an object
The method expects the provided parameter to be a {@link PersistentObject} instance.
The method will return the deleted object's identifier, {@link kTAG_NID}, if the object was deleted and raise an exception if the operation could not be completed.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theObject | Object to delete. |
array | $theOptions | Delete options. |
Deleted object identifier.
modify(array $theCriteria, array $theActions, array $theOptions) : array
Modify object(s)
This method should modify the the objects selected by the provided criteria applying the provided modifications using the provided options.
The method will return an array structured as follows:
The format of the provided parameters is dependent on the specific database engine.
Derived classes must implement this method.
array | $theCriteria | Object selection criteria. |
array | $theActions | Modification actions. |
array | $theOptions | Modification options. |
Operation status.
matchOne(array $theCriteria, \OntologyWrapper\bitfield $theResult, array $theFields) : mixed
Match one object
This method should select a single object according to the provided criteria, the method should return a value according to the second parameter.
The method expects the following parameters:
If you omit the second parameter, the method should return the matched object.
If there is more than one match for the provided criteria, this method will return only the first one, in no particular order.
If there is no match, the method will return NULL if the {@link kQUERY_ASSERT} flag was not set, or raise an exception.
Concrete derived classes should implement this method.
array | $theCriteria | Selection criteria. |
\OntologyWrapper\bitfield | $theResult | Result type. |
array | $theFields | Fields selection. |
Matched data or NULL.
matchAll(array $theCriteria, \OntologyWrapper\bitfield $theResult, array $theFields, array $theKey) : \OntologyWrapper\ObjectIterator
Match all objects
This method should select the set of objects matching the provided criteria, the method should return an object implementing the {@link Iterator}, {@link Countable} and {iCursor} interfaces.
The method expects the following parameters:
If you omit the second parameter, the the iterator returned by this method will objects.
Concrete derived classes should implement this method.
array | $theCriteria | Selection criteria. |
\OntologyWrapper\bitfield | $theResult | Result type. |
array | $theFields | Fields selection. |
array | $theKey | Key offset. |
Matched data iterator.
getAll(array $theFields) : \OntologyWrapper\Iterator
Return all objects
This method should select all the objects of the collection and return an iterator, this iterator is not an instance of {@link ObjectIterator}, but the cursor of the native database engine; by default it should be an iterator whose elements are array representations of the selected objects.
Concrete derived classes should implement this method.
array | $theFields | Fields selection. |
Selection of all objects in the collection.
aggregate(array $thePipeline, array $theOptions) : \OntologyWrapper\Iterator
Aggregate pipeline
This method expects an aggregation pipeline and should return the result as an iterator.
Concrete derived classes must implement this method.
array | $thePipeline | Aggregation pipeline. |
array | $theOptions | Aggregation options. |
Aggregated results.
updateReferenceCount(mixed $theIdent, string $theIdentOffset, string $theCountOffset, integer $theCount)
Update reference count
This method should update the reference count of the provided objects, the method accepts the following parameters:
The method should select all objects whose $theIdentOffset matches the list of references provided in $theIdent and for each one increment the value stored in the $theCountOffset by the count provided in $theCount.
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theIdent | Object identifier or identifiers. |
string | $theIdentOffset | Object identifier offset. |
string | $theCountOffset | Reference count offset. |
integer | $theCount | Reference count delta. |
updateSet(mixed $theIdent, string $theIdentOffset, array $theElements, boolean $doAdd)
Update set
This method should add or delete the provided elements to and from the set contained in the provided object reference, the method accepts the following parameters:
The method should select all objects whose $theIdentOffset matches the list of references provided in $theIdent, once the object is located, the method should iterate the elements in $theElements adding or removing from the offset provided in the element key the value or values provided in the element value, without generating duplicates when adding.
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theIdent | Object identifier or identifiers. |
string | $theIdentOffset | Object identifier offset. |
array | $theElements | List of elements to be added. |
boolean | $doAdd | TRUE add. |
replaceOffsets(mixed $theIdentifier, array $theProperties) : integer
Replace offsets
This method should set or replace the provided offsets in the object identified by the provided native identifier.
The method expects the following parameters:
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theIdentifier | Object native identifier. |
array | $theProperties | Properties to be added or replaced. |
Number of objects affected (1 or 0).
deleteOffsets(mixed $theIdentifier, array $theOffsets) : integer
Delete offsets
This method should delete the provided offsets from the object identified by the provided native identifier.
The method expects the following parameters:
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theIdentifier | Object native identifier. |
array | $theOffsets | Offsets to be deleted. |
Number of objects affected (1 or 0).
setSequenceNumber(string $theSequence, integer $theNumber)
Set sequence number
This method should initialise a sequence number associated to the provided parameter. This operation is equivalent to resetting an auto-number for a database.
Once the sequence is set, the next requested sequence number will hold the value set by this method, so to start counting from 1 you should provide this value to this method.
This method is intended to be handled by database objects, in this class we simply let the object's parent, a database, perform the action.
Derived classes should never need to overload this method.
string | $theSequence | Sequence selector. |
integer | $theNumber | Sequence number. |
getSequenceNumber(string $theSequence) : integer
Return sequence number
This method should return a sequence number associated to the provided parameter. This operation is equivalent to requesting an auto-number for a database.
Each time a sequence number is requested, the sequence seed is updated, so use this method only when the sequence is required.
If the sequence selector is not found, a new one will be created starting with the number 1, so, if you need to start with another number, use the {@link setSequenceNumber()} before.
This method is intended to be handled by database objects, in this class we simply let the object's parent, a database, perform the action.
Derived classes should never need to overload this method.
string | $theSequence | Sequence selector. |
Sequence number.
createIndex(array $theIndex, array $theOptions)
Create index
This method should create an index in the current collection related to the provided parameters:
Derived classes must implement this method.
array | $theIndex | Offset to index and index types. |
array | $theOptions | Index options. |
getIndexedOffsets() : array
Get indexed offsets
This method should return the list of indexed offsets, the method will return an array indexed by tag sequence number, with as value the list of indexed offsets.
Derived classes must implement this method.
The list of indexed offsets.
DefaultOffsets() : array
Return default offsets
This method will return the list of default offsets for the current class, these are the properties known to be part of the current class: since objects may feature any defined tag, this selection provides an indication of which properties one could expect.
This selection can also be used as the minimum set of properties which an object may feature.
In this class we return an empty array.
List of default offsets.
dsn(mixed $theValue, boolean $getOld, boolean $doSync) : mixed
Manage data source name
This method can be used to manage the data source name, it accepts a parameter which represents either the data source name or the requested operation, depending on its value:
The second parameter is a boolean which if TRUE will return the old value when replacing or resetting; if FALSE, it will return the current value.
The last parameter is a switch that determines whether the object offsets should be synchronised: if TRUE, the object offsets will be reset and populated with the elements parsed from the data source name; if FALSE, the object offsets will not be modified. This parameter is set to FALSE by the constructor, since using all offsets may produce an invalid URL and is TRUE by default, since setting a connection URL generally means changing the parameters.
Whenever a new value is set or the value is deleted, the method will synchronise the object offsets.
mixed | $theValue | Data source name or operation. |
boolean | $getOld | TRUE get old value. |
boolean | $doSync | TRUE will sync offsets. |
New or old data source name.
connection() : mixed
Return connection resource.
This method can be used to retrieve the connection resource, this method is read-only, since the connection resource should only be set by the object's connection methods.
The connection resource represents the native connection.
Connection resource.
parent() : \OntologyWrapper\ConnectionObject
Return connection parent.
This method can be used to retrieve the parent connection, this method is read-only, since the connection parent can only be set by the constructor and cannot be changed once the object has been instantiated.
The connection parent represents the connection creator as the server for a database.
Parent connection.
openConnection() : mixed
Open connection
This method can be used to create and open the connection.
We first check if the connection is already set: if so we do nothing.
We call the protected {@link connectionOpen()} method which will open the connection and return the connection resource which will be set in the data member, {@link mConnection}.
The method will return the connection resource.
Depends on implementation.
closeConnection() : boolean
Close connection
If the connection is open, this method will close the connection and reset the {@link connection} data member.
The method will return TRUE if the connection was open and FALSE if not.
TRUE if closed, FALSE if was closed.
dictionary(mixed $theDictionary, boolean $getOld) : \OntologyWrapper\Dictionary
Set or return data dictionary
This method can be used to set or retrieve the object's data dictionary, which is required by all derived objects to resolve offsets.
You should set this data member as soon as the object has been instantiated, before adding offsets to it.
The method expects the following parameters:
The method will raise an exception if the dictionary holds any other type except the above.
mixed | $theDictionary | New dictionary or NULL. |
boolean | $getOld | TRUE get old value. |
Object data dictionary.
reference() : mixed
Return object reference
This method will return the current object's reference. This value should uniquely identify the referenced object, making it easy to retrieve the object given this reference.
In this class, and generally in all classes, the reference of an object is its native identifier, {@link kTAG_NID}.
The method must raise an exception if the reference cannot be provided.
Object reference.
resolveOffset(string $theOffset, boolean $doAssert) : string
Resolve offset
This method will resolve the provided offset into a {@link Tag} serial number, this is done by using a {@link Dictionary} object stored in the current object's {@link $mDictionary} data member.
If you provide a string prefixed by the {@link kTOKEN_TAG_PREFIX} token, the method will simply return it.
All other types of offsets, except those returned by the {@link InternalOffsets()} method, will be used to locate the tag native identifier using a {@link Dictionary} object stored in the current object's {@link $mDictionary} data member; if the provided offset cannot be resolved, the method will raise an exception if the second parameter is TRUE, or NULL if the second parameter is FALSE.
The method will raise an exception if the tag cache is not set.
string | $theOffset | Data offset. |
boolean | $doAssert | Assert offset tag reference. |
Resolved offset.
offsetGet(mixed $theOffset) : mixed
Return a value at a given offset
We overload this method to call the preflight method: if it returns NULL we call the parent method; if not, we return the received value.
We also overload this method to handle unmatched offsets: we prevent warnings from being issued and return NULL.
mixed | $theOffset | Offset. |
Offset value or NULL.
offsetSet(string $theOffset, mixed $theValue)
Set a value at a given offset
We overload this method to call the preflight and postflight methods: if the preflight method returns NULL we call the parent method; if not, we stop.
We also overload this method to handle NULL values: in that case we delete the offset.
string | $theOffset | Offset. |
mixed | $theValue | Value to set at offset. |
offsetUnset(string $theOffset)
Reset a value at a given offset
We overload this method to call the preflight and postflight methods: if the preflight method returns NULL we call the parent method; if not, we stop.
We also overload this method to prevent warnings on unmatched offsets.
string | $theOffset | Offset. |
InternalOffsets() : array
Return internal offsets
This method will return the list of internal offsets for the current class, these offsets are not defined in the data dictionary and are private to the object. This method is used to exclude these offsets from the default offset resolution workflow.
These offsets:
In this class we return:
List of internal offsets.
ExternalOffsets() : array
Return external offsets
This method will return the list of external offsets for the current class. These are offsets which are managed neither by clients nor by the object itself, these will generally be managed by events triggered by other objects.
These offsets:
In this class we return an empty array.
List of external offsets.
DynamicOffsets() : array
Return dynamic offsets
This method will return the list of dynamic offsets for the current class. These are offsets which are managed by the object itself, and should not be modified by clients.
These offsets:
In this class we return an empty array.
List of dynamic offsets.
UnmanagedOffsets() : array
Return unmanaged offsets
This method will return the list of offsets which should be excluded from the offset management framework.
By default we include offsets returned by:
Note that internal offsets, {@link InternalOffsets()}, are also not managed, but since those offsets do not have a sequence number, we need to treat them separately.
Derived classes may overload this method to add custom offsets.
List of unmanaged offsets.
OffsetTypes(\OntologyWrapper\DictionaryObject $theDictionary, mixed $theOffset, string $theType, array $theKind, mixed $theMin, mixed $theMax, string $thePattern, boolean $doAssert) : mixed
Resolve offset types
This method will resolve the provided offset into a {@link Tag} object and return in the provided reference parameters the data type, kind, range and pattern; this is done by using the provided {@link Dictionary} object.
The method expects the following parameters:
If the provided offset is numeric, the method will assume it is a tag sequence number, if not, the method will resolve it into a tag sequence number; if this fails and the last paraneter is TRUE, the method will raise an exception.
The method will return TRUE if the types were resolved and NULL if not.
\OntologyWrapper\DictionaryObject | $theDictionary | Data dictionary. |
mixed | $theOffset | Offset. |
string | $theType | Receives data type. |
array | $theKind | Receives data kind. |
mixed | $theMin | Receives minimum data range. |
mixed | $theMax | Receives maximum data range. |
string | $thePattern | Receives data pattern. |
boolean | $doAssert | If TRUE assert offset. |
TRUE if the tag was resolved, or NULL.
SelectLanguageString(array $theStrings, string $theLanguage) : string
Return language string
This method expects the value from a property of type {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRING} or {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRINGS} and a language code, its duty is to return the string matching the language code, or the default string.
The method will perform the following steps:
array | $theStrings | Language strings property. |
string | $theLanguage | Selected language code. |
The string in the provided language.
CastShapeGeometry(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theShape)
Cast shape geometry
The duty of this method is to verify and cast the geometry of the provided shape. The method expects the shape to have a correct root structure, that is, it must have the shape type and geometry array, this method will traverse the geometry and its structure.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theShape | Shape. |
nestedOffsetGet(mixed $theOffset, array $theValue, mixed $theFound) : mixed
Return a value at a given nested offset
This method is the equivalent of {@link offsetGet()} for nested offsets, the method will traverse the current value until it finds the offset, if at any level an offset is not resolved, the method will return NULL.
It is assumed that all offsets except the last one must be arrays, if that is not the case, the method will return NULL.
The provided offset must be a valid nested offset, which is a sequence of numerics separated by a period; this check must have been performed by the caller.
If at any stage of the path there is a list of structures, the result will be an array of all found values.
Note that this method will only be called if the offset exists, so it must find it.
mixed | $theOffset | Offset. |
array | $theValue | Current value. |
mixed | $theFound | Found value. |
Offset value or NULL.
nestedOffsetSet(string $theOffset, mixed $theValue, string $theRootOffset, array $theRootValue, string $theCurrentOffset, array $theCurrentValue) : array
Set a value at a given offset
This method is the equivalent of {@link offsetSet()} for nested offsets, the method will traverse the current value setting eventual missing intermediate offsets as arrays; note that if the method finds another kind of value, it will overwrite it with an empty array: it is assumed that setting an offset replaces the previous contents.
The method expects the following parameters:
The method will take care of setting the the object's offset.
It is assumed that all offsets except the last one must be arrays, if that is not the case, the method will return NULL.
The provided offset must be a valid nested offset, which is a sequence of numerics separated by a period; this check must have been performed by the caller.
string | $theOffset | Offset. |
mixed | $theValue | Value to set at offset. |
string | $theRootOffset | Receives root offset. |
array | $theRootValue | Receives root value. |
string | $theCurrentOffset | Receives current offset. |
array | $theCurrentValue | Current level value. |
The updated nested structure.
nestedOffsetUnset(string $theOffset, string $theRootOffset, array $theCurrentValue)
Reset a value at a given offset
This method is the equivalent of {@link offsetUnset()} for nested offsets, the method will traverse the current value until it reaches the requested offset and it will delete it, if any offset is not matched, or if any intermediate offset is not an array, the method will do nothing.
The method expects the following parameters:
The method will take care of deleting the the object's offset. If any intermediate offset holds an empry array, the method will delete it.
It is assumed that all offsets except the last one must be arrays, if that is not the case, the method will return NULL.
The provided offset must be a valid nested offset, which is a sequence of numerics separated by a period; this check must have been performed by the caller.
string | $theOffset | Offset. |
string | $theRootOffset | Receives root offset. |
array | $theCurrentValue | Current level value. |
Object2Array(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theSource, \OntologyWrapper\reference $theDestination)
<h4>Convert object to array</h4>
This method can be used to obtain an array of arrays from a nested structure.
The method expects as the first parameter a reference to an {@link ArrayObject} or to an array, it will convert the provided parameter to an array and traverse it, converting recursively any {@link ArrayObject} instance into an array.
The method accepts the following parameters:
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theSource | Reference to the source structure. |
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theDestination | Reference to the destination array. |
newDatabase(mixed $theParameter, boolean $doOpen) : \OntologyWrapper\DatabaseObject
Return a new database instance
This method should be implemented by concrete derived classes, it expects a list of offsets or a data source name containing the necessary elements to instantiate a {@link DatabaseObject} instance which will be considered the current object's parent.
Note that these parameters must also include the {@link ServerObject} parameters.
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theParameter | Database parameters. |
boolean | $doOpen | TRUE open connection. |
Database instance.
insertData(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theData, array $theOptions) : mixed
Insert provided data
This method should be implemented by concrete derived classes, it should commit a new record in the current collection featuring the provided data and return the record identifier.
Derived classes must implement this method.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theData | Data to commit. |
array | $theOptions | Insert options. |
Object identifier.
replaceData(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theData, array $theOptions) : mixed
Save or replace provided data
This method should be implemented by concrete derived classes, it should save or replace a record in the current collection featuring the provided data and return the record identifier.
Derived classes must implement this method.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theData | Data to save. |
array | $theOptions | Replace options. |
Object identifier.
deleteIdentifier(mixed $theIdentifier, array $theOptions) : mixed
Delete provided identifier
This method should be implemented by concrete derived classes, it should delete the object matched by the provided identifier, if the object was matched, the method should return the identifier, if not, it should return NULL.
Derived classes must implement this method.
mixed | $theIdentifier | Object identifier. |
array | $theOptions | Insert options. |
Object identifier or NULL.
connectionOpen() : mixed
Open connection
This method should open the actual connection and set the {@link mConnection} data member; in this class the method is virtual.
This method expects the caller to have checked whether the connection is already open.
If the operation fails, the method should raise an exception.
The native connection.
parseDSN(string $theDSN)
Parse data source name
This method will parse the provided data source name, extract the connection parameters and set them in the current object.
The method will make use of the {@link parse_url()} function and pass each key/value pair to the protected {@link loadDSNParameter()} method which has the responsibility of matching the {@link parse_url()} keys to {@link Tag} instances.
If the {@link parse_url()} function fails to parse the DSN, the method will raise an exception.
Derived classes should overload the {@link loadDSNParameter()} method.
string | $theDSN | Data source name. |
parseOffsets(array $theOffsets) : mixed
Parse connection parameters
This method will parse the provided key/value array and generate a connection URL.
The method will iterate the provided offsets and feed them to the protected {@link parseOffset()} method which will populate an array structured as the result of the {@link parse_url()} function, it will be the duty of this method to generate a data source name from that array.
Derived classes should overload the called methods and not this one.
If the resulting data source name is empty, the method will return FALSE.
array | $theOffsets | Offsets. |
Data source name or FALSE if empty.
parseOffset(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theParameters, string $theOffset, mixed $theValue)
Parse offset
This method will parse the provided offset and populate the provided parameters. The main duty is to load the offset values into the provided parameters array so to create the same result as the {@link parse_url()} function.
The resulting array can have the following elements:
: The protocol or scheme.
: The connection host.
: The connection port.
: The user code.
: The user password.
: The connection path.
: The connection options.
: The URL fragment.
In this class we handle the following offsets:
Derived classes can overload this method to customise the parameters.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theParameters | Receives parsed offset. |
string | $theOffset | Offset. |
mixed | $theValue | Offset value. |
parseOption(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theParameters, string $theOption, mixed $theValue)
Parse option
This method will parse the provided option and populate the query parameters.
The main duty is to load the option into the query
element of the
provided parameters list as the result of the {@link parse_url()} function.
In this class we load what we find.
Derived classes can overload this method to customise the options.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theParameters | Receives parsed offset. |
string | $theOption | Option. |
mixed | $theValue | Option value. |
loadDSNParameter(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theParameters, string $theKey, string $theValue)
Load connection parameters from DSN
This method will load the parameters parsed from the data source name into the current object's offsets, it expects three parameters:
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_PROTOCOL}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_HOST}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_PORT}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_CODE}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_PASS}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_BASE}.
: We set it in {@link kTAG_CONN_COLL}.
: We load the key/value pairs into
{@link kTAG_CONN_OPTS} array.
This is the method that derived classes may overload to customise the parameters.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theParameters | Original parameters list. |
string | $theKey | Parameter key. |
string | $theValue | Parameter value. |
preOffsetSet(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset, \OntologyWrapper\reference $theValue) : mixed
Handle offset and value before setting it
This method can be used to manage the offset before passing it to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetSet()} method.
The method provides the offset and value as references, if the method returns NULL it means that the offset and value must be passed to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetSet()}; if the method returns any other value, this means that the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetSet()} should be skipped.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theValue | Offset value reference. |
NULL set offset value, other, return.
postOffsetSet(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset, \OntologyWrapper\reference $theValue)
Handle offset and value after setting it
This method can be used to manage the object after calling the {@link ArrayObject::OffsetSet()} method.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theValue | Offset value reference. |
preOffsetUnset(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset) : mixed
Handle offset and value before deleting it
This method can be used to manage the offset before passing it to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetUnset()} method.
The method provides the offset as reference, if the method returns NULL it means that the offset and value must be passed to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetUnset()}; if the method returns any other value, this means that the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetUnset()} should be skipped.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
NULL delete offset value, other, return.
postOffsetUnset(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset)
Handle offset after deleting it
This method can be used to manage the object after calling the {@link ArrayObject::OffsetUnset()} method.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
preOffsetExists(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset) : mixed
Handle offset before checking it
This method can be used to manage the offset before passing it to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetExists()} method.
The method provides the offset as a reference, if the method returns NULL it means that the offset must be passed to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetExists()}; if the method returns any other value, this will be returned and the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetExists()} will be skipped.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
NULL check offset, other, return.
preOffsetGet(\OntologyWrapper\reference $theOffset) : mixed
Handle offset before getting it
This method can be used to manage the offset before passing it to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetGet()} method.
The method provides the offset as a reference, if the method returns NULL it means that the offset must be passed to the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetGet()}; if the method returns any other value, this must be returned and the inherited {@link ArrayObject::OffsetGet()} skipped.
In this class we do nothing.
\OntologyWrapper\reference | $theOffset | Offset reference. |
NULL get offset value, other, return.
nestedOffsetExists(array $theOffset, mixed $theValue) : boolean
Check if an offset exists
This method is the equivalent of {@link offsetExists()} for nested offsets, the method will traverse the current value until it finds the offset, if at any level an offset is not resolved, the method will return FALSE.
It is assumed that all offsets except the last one must be structures, if that is not the case, the method will return FALSE.
The provided offset must be a valid nested offset, which is a sequence of numerics separated by a period; this check must have been performed by the caller.
array | $theOffset | Offsets path. |
mixed | $theValue | Parent offset value. |
TRUE the offset exists.
isOffsetListType(mixed $theOffset) : boolean
Check if offset is a list type
This method will check whether the provided offset is a list type, that is, if it has the {@link kTYPE_LIST} in its data kind, or if the root element is an array.
The method will return TRUE if the provided offset is an array.
If the offset is not a tag, the method will raise an exception.
mixed | $theOffset | Offset. |
TRUE if the offset is an array.