Data dictionary.
This constant holds the default data dictionary persistent identifier, it represents the default session name assigned to the data dictionary.
This data type defines a list of key/value pairs, the key will be in general a string, while the value type is not inferred. This data type usually applies to arrays in which the key part is the discriminant and determines the type of the value, while traditional arrays are better defined by a fixed data type and a list data kind.
String list by language.
This data type defines a list of strings expressed in different languages. The list elements are composed by two key/value pairs. The first pair has the {@link kTAG_LANGUAGE} tag as its key and the value represents the language code. The second pair has the {@link kTAG_TEXT} as its key and the value represents the text expressed in the language defined by the first pair. No two elements may share the same language and only one element may omit the language.
Strings list by language.
This data type defines a list of strings expressed in different languages. The list elements are composed by two key/value pairs. The first pair has the {@link kTAG_LANGUAGE} tag as its key and the value represents the language code. The second pair has the {@link kTAG_TEXT} as its key and the value represents the list of strings expressed in the language defined by the first pair. No two elements may share the same language and only one element may omit the language.
Typed list.
This data type defines a list of elements categorised by type. The list elements are composed by two key/value pairs. The first pair has the {@link kTAG_TYPE} tag as its key and the value represents the type of the element. The second pair has an unspecified tag as the key and the value represents the element's value qualified by the previous pair. No two elements may share the same type and only one element may omit the type.
This data type defines a shape structure, this type of object represents a geometric shape and it is expressed as a GeoJSON construct.
It is an array composed by two key/value pairs:
A metadata instance.
An instance is a term which represents the actual object that it defines, the term represents the metadata and instance at the same time. This happens generally with elements of an enumerated set: an enumerated value instance term will hold data in addition to metadata regarding the object that it defines.
An entry point of an ontology.
This kind represents a door or entry point of a tree or graph. It can be either the node from which the whole structure originates from, or a node that represents a specific thematic entry point. In general, such objects will have other attributes that will qualify the kind of the structure.
A controlled vocabulary.
This kind of node describes a controlled vocabulary, it has implicitly the {@link kTYPE_NODE_TYPE} type holding an enumerated set of values. This kind of node can be used to define a specific controlled vocabulary, its elements are related to this node by the {@link kPREDICATE_ENUM_OF} predicate and this node can define a tag referring to the latter using the kPREDICATE_TYPE_OF} predicate.
An ontology.
This is a graph structure that represents an ontology, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node, structures of this kind usually represent the full set of elements comprising an ontology which will be used by views to create thematic selections.
A type or controlled vocabulary.
This is a structure that represents a type or controlled vocabulary, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and its structure must be a tree (at most one parent node). The main use of such a kind is to group all elements representing a type or controlled vocabulary that comprises the full set of attributes, views that reference such structures can be used to represent thematic subsets of such types or controlled vocabularies.
A view.
This represents a view into an existing structure or structures, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and the structure is expected to be either a selection or an aggregation of elements from different existing structures. The main goal is to create specific thematic views.
A data template.
This is a view that represents a template, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and its structure must be a tree (at most one parent node). Templates are generally used to import and export data recorded using elements from the ontologies.
A search form.
This is a view that represents a search form, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and its structure must be a tree (at most one parent node). Structures of this kind can be used as search form templates where the branches represent categories and the leaf nodes the attributes to be searched.
A data structure.
This is a view that represents a data structure, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and its structure must be a tree (at most one parent node). Structures of this kind can be used as templates to define the physical structure of an object.
A data schema.
This is a view that represents a data schema, the element that bares this attribute is expected to be a root node and its structure must be a tree (at most one parent node). Structures of this kind can be used as templates to define common sub-structures which will be used by structures to define the physical structure of an object.
A feature or attribute of an object that can be described or measured.
This kind of node defines a feature, property or attribute of an object that can be described or measured. This kind of node will generally be found as a leaf of the structure describing an object. Plant height is a plant characteristic that belongs to the category of morphological traits: the latter is not a feature, while plant height is.
A method or variation of an object's feature measurement.
This kind of node is required whenever an object's feature can be measured in different ways or with different workflows without becoming a different feature. Plant height is an attribute of a plant which can be measured after a month or at flowering time; the attribute is the same, but the method is different.
An element of a controlled vocabulary.
This kind of node describes a controlled vocabulary element. These nodes derive from scale nodes and represent the valid choices of enumeration and enumerated set scale nodes. An ISO 3166 country code could be considered an enumeration node.
Subclass of.
This predicate indicates that the subject of the relationship is a subclass of the object of the relationship, in other words, the subject is derived from the object. This predicate is equivalent to the IS-A predicate, it states that the subject is an instance of the object.
Type of.
This predicate indicates that the subject of the relationship represents the type of the object of the relationship. This predicate is used as a group and a proxy: it can be used to define a group of elements which can then be related as a whole to other objects; it acts as a proxy, because the group holder is not related to the object of the relationship, the elements of the groupo are. This predicate is used to define controlled vocabularies and relate these to tags, without gaving to duplicate the set elements.
Collection of.
This predicate indicates that the subject of the relationship is a collection belonging to the object. This predicate is similar to {@link kPREDICATE_PROPERTY_OF}, except that the latter case the subject is a scalar element of the object, while, in this case, the subject is a template for the collection of elements that belong to the object.
Method of.
This predicate relates method vertices with feature vertices or other methods, it indicates that the subject of the relationship is a method, or workflow variation of the object of the relationship. This predicate is used to connect the pipeline of modifiers applied to a feature vertex.
Scale of.
This predicate is used by scale vertices to connect feature or trait vertices, the subject of the relationship represents a scale or unit and the predicate indicates that the object of the relationship uses that scale or unit. This predicate is specifically used to indicate the different scales in which a feature ir trait vertex can be expressed in.
Enumeration of.
This predicate relates vertex elements of an enumerated set, it indicates that the subject of the relationship is an enumerated set element instance, and if the object of the relationship is also an enumerated set element instance, this means that the subject is a subset of the object.
This predicate indicates that the subject of the relationship should be aggregated into the object of the relationship, in other words, the subject should be copied into the object. This predicate will be used in general to copy a value from a descriptor belonging to a set specific to a kind of domain into a descriptor which is common to a series of different unit kinds. This is useful for searching among heterogeneous kinds of objects.
Preferred choice.
This predicate indicates that the object of the relationship is the preferred choice, in other words, if possible, one should use the object of the relationship in place of the subject. This predicate will be used in general by obsolete or deprecated items.
The scope of this predicate is similar to the VALID predicate, except that in this case the use of the subject of the relationship is only deprecated, while in the VALID predicate it is not valid.
Valid choice.
This predicate indicates that the object of the relationship is the valid choice, in other words, the subject of the relationship is obsolete or not valid, and one should use the object of the relationship in its place. This predicate will be used in general to store the obsolete or deprecated versions.
The scope of this predicate is similar to the PREFERRED predicate, except that in this case the use of the subject of the relationship is invalid, while in the PREFERRED predicate it is only deprecated.
Legacy version.
This predicate indicates that the object of the relationship is the former or legacy choice, in other words, the object of the relationship is obsolete or not valid. This predicate will be used in general to record historical information.
The scope of this predicate is similar to the PREFERRED and VALID predicates, except that in this case the legacy choice might not be invalid, nor deprecated: it only means that the object of the relationship was used in the past and the subject of the relationship is currently used in its place.
Cross reference.
This predicate indicates that the subject of the relationship is related to the object of the relationship. This predicate will be found generally in both directions and does not represent any specific type of relationship, other than what the edge object attributes may indicate.
The scope of this predicate is similar to the XREF-EXACT predicate, except that the latter indicates that the object of the relationship can be used in place of the subject, while in this predicate this is not necessarily true.
Exact cross reference.
This predicate indicates that the object of the relationship can be used in place of the subject of the relationship. If the predicate is found in both directions, one could say that the two vertices are identical, except for their formal representation.
The scope of this predicate is similar to the XREF predicate, except that the latter only indicates that both vertices are related, this predicate indicates that they are interchangeable.
This bitfield value indicates that the object has been modified. In general this state is only triggered by modifications to object offsets, or persistent properties; run time members should not affect tjis flag.
In general, methods that modify an object offset value will set this flag and methods that freeze the state of the object, such as the constructor or when an object is stored persistently, will reset it.
If the flag is not set, this means that the object has not been modified;
This bitfield value indicates that the object has been either loaded from a persistent container, or that it has been saved to a persistent container.
If the flag is off, this means that the object was not instantiated from a persistent container, or that it was not yet inserted into a persistent container.
This bitfield value indicates that the current object is an alias, this means that it must feature the {@link kTAG_MASTER} property which references the master object.
In general, this flag is used to indicate that the current object is an alias, or to signal that the current non committed object should load its master before being committed.
Type (<code>type</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING
This offset represents a type or category, it must only be used as a key element of a structured property. It is a string which qualifies the structure or structure element. It is used in properties of type {@link kTYPE_SHAPE} as the shape type indicator and in {@link kTYPE_TYPED_LIST} properties to qualify the current element.
Language (<code>lang</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING
This tag holds a string which represents a specific language name or code, this tag is generally used as an element of a structure for indicating the element's language. It is a required element of properties of type {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRING} and {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRINGS}.
Text (<code>text</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING
This tag holds a string which represents a text, this tag is generally used as an element of a structure for indicating the element's text. It is a required element of properties of type {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRING} and {@link kTYPE_LANGUAGE_STRINGS}.
Geometry (<code>coordinates</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_FLOAT Data kind: kTYPE_LIST
This offset represents the geometry of a shape, it is by default an array which can be nested at several levels, depending on the type of geometry. It is used in properties of type {@link kTYPE_SHAPE} to provide the shape geometry; incidentally, it is named coordinates so that when used with the {@link kTAG_TYPE} tag it forms a GeoJSON object.
Full text values, weight 10 (<code>text-10</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING Data kind: kTYPE_LIST
This offset is automatically filled with all distinct values coming from all properties whose tag has a kind of {@link kTYPE_FULL_TEXT_10}, enumerated values will be resolved to the default language label. This field will be indexed for full-text search with weight 10.
Full text values, weight 6 (<code>text-06</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING Data kind: kTYPE_LIST
This offset is automatically filled with all distinct values coming from all properties whose tag has a kind of {@link kTYPE_FULL_TEXT_06}, enumerated values will be resolved to the default language label. This field will be indexed for full-text search with weight 6.
Full text values, weight 03 (<code>text-03</code>)
Data type: kTYPE_STRING Data kind: kTYPE_LIST
This offset is automatically filled with all distinct values coming from all properties whose tag has a kind of {@link kTYPE_FULL_TEXT_03}, enumerated values will be resolved to the default language label. This field will be indexed for full-text search with weight 3.
Local identifier (<code>:id-local</code>)
This tag is a string which represents the local identifier of an object. Local identifiers are unique within their namespace and are persistent. In general, the namespace is concatenated to the local identifier to form the persistent identifier.
Persistent identifier (<code>:id-persistent</code>)
This tag is a string which represents the persistent identifier of an object. Persistent identifiers are unique across namespaces, they are global, in that they include the namespace and they are persistent. In general, this identifier is the concatenation of the namespace and the local identifier.
Symbol (<code>:id-symbol</code>)
This tag is an string value representing the symbol or acronym of an object. This value is generally used to reference the object in data templates. The value should be unique within the set of elements comprising the data template in which the object is used, although this value is not required to be globally unique.
Valid identifier (<code>:id-valid</code>)
This tag is a string which represents the persistent global identifier of the object that is considered the valid choice. This is generally used by legacy or obsolete objects for referring to the valid, current or official object.
Sequence number (<code>:id-sequence</code>)
This tag is an integer sequence number which is automatically assigned to objects just before they are committed. This represents an identifier unique to the collection to which the object belongs. This identifier is not persistent, in that it depends on the order in which the object was committed.
Sequence hash (<code>:id-hash</code>)
This tag is a hexadecimal sequence number, prefixed by the {@link kTOKEN_TAG_PREFIX}, which is automatically assigned to objects just before they are committed. This represents an identifier unique to the collection to which the object belongs. This identifier is not persistent, in that it depends on the order in which the object was committed.
Graph reference (<code>:id-graph</code>)
This tag is an integer value used to reference a graph element. Nodes, tags, entities and units are represented in a graph by nodes, while edges reference graph edges. This offset is used to link objects of the document store with objects in the graph store.
Domain (<code>:unit:domain</code>)
This tag represents the domain of a unit object, it is an enumerated value which represents the kind or nature of the object, this type of property is used to disambiguate objects of different domains within the same collection.
Collection (<code>:unit:collection</code>)
This tag is a string representing the name or code of the collection to which a unit object belongs. It is used to disambiguate units sharing the same domain and identifier; it may also be used to indicate the group to which a unit belongs.
Version (<code>:unit:version</code>)
This tag is a string representing a version or an iteration of a unit object. This attribute can be used to differentiate between different iterations of the same object, or to provide a time stamp for the object's information.
Synonym (<code>:synonym</code)
This tag holds a list of strings representing alternate identifications of the object. These identifiers should not be defined in the current database, nor available as a link, these should be external known synonyms of te current object.
Relationship subject (<code>:relationship:subject</code)
This tag holds an integer representing a node native identifier, it is a reference to a node object through its sequence number. This tag describes the origin vertex of a directed graph relationship.
Graph relationship subject (<code>:relationship:graph-subject</code)
This tag holds an integer representing the reference to a graph node. This tag describes the origin vertex of a directed graph relationship in the graph, this property is used by edge objects to reference the subject node in the graph.
Relationship object (<code>:relationship:object</code)
This tag holds an integer representing a node native identifier, it is a reference to a node object through its sequence number. This tag describes the destination vertex of a directed graph relationship.
Graph relationship object (<code>:relationship:graph-object</code)
This tag holds an integer representing the reference to a graph node. This tag describes the destination vertex of a directed graph relationship in the graph, this property is used by edge objects to reference the subject node in the graph.
Master (<code>:master</code)
This tag holds value representing a reference to an object of the same class as the holder. Master objects represent either the master copy of the object, or an object that contains information shared by several alias objects which are those featuring this property.
Definition (<code>:definition</code)
This tag holds a list of texts representing
Description (<code>:description</code)
This tag holds a list of texts representing
Structure label (<code>:struct-label</code)
This tag is used in structure lists as the label for each element, in the case that the structure elements do not have a unique scalar property. This tag is not searchable, nor displayed in the detail.
Units count (<code>:unit-count</code)
This tag holds an integer value representing the number of unit objects featuring a specific property. This is generally used to assess tag usage frequency in unit objects.
Entity count (<code>:entity-count</code)
This tag holds an integer value representing the number of entity objects featuring a specific property. This is generally used to assess tag usage frequency in entity objects.
Tag offsets (<code>:offset:tag</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in tag objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Term offsets (<code>:offset:term</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in term objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Node offsets (<code>:offset:node</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in node objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Edge offsets (<code>:offset:edge</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in edge objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Entity offsets (<code>:offset:entity</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in entity objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Unit offsets (<code>:offset:unit</code)
This tag holds an array of strings representing the set of offset paths in which the tag was referenced as a leaf offset in unit objects. This property is held exclusively by tag objects.
Object tags (<code>:object-tags</code)
This tag holds an array of elements holding a tag sequence number and all the leaf offset paths where the tag is referenced.
Object references (<code>:object-references</code)
This tag holds the list of object references/em> featured by the current object, the property is an array, indexed by collection name with as value the references to objects in that collection.
Tag container structure (<code>:tag:struct</code)
This tag is used to provide the the current tag's container, the value should be a reference to a {@link kTYPE_STRUCT} tag in which the current tag must be stored. If set, the current offset should be stored in the offset defined in this property.
Container structure list index (<code>:tag:struct-index</code)
This tag indicates which offset in the current structure acts as the index. This means that the tag object holding this property must be a structure and a list, the value of this property is a tag native identifier referencing the element of the structure that represents the structure index or key. No two elements of the list may have an offset, defined by the current attribute, with the same value.
Geographic location shape (<code>:shape</code)
This tag holds the geographic shape of an object. This value is expressed as a GeoJSON geometric shape which describes the position and shape of an object. This value should represent the actual shape of the object, as opposed to the {@link kTAG_GEO_SHAPE_DISP} tag which represents the shape to be displayed.
Geographic location display shape (<code>:shape-disp</code)
This tag holds the displayed geographic shape of an object. This value is expressed as a GeoJSON geometric shape which describes the position and shape of an object. This value should represent the displayed shape of the object, as opposed to the {@link kTAG_GEO_SHAPE} tag which represents the actual object's shape.
Entity affiliation (<code>:entity:affiliation</code)
This tag holds a list of entity references discriminated by their type. Each element of the list represents an entity object reference which is qualified by the element's type.
Note that the entity reference should point to a units collection entity: entities stored in the entities collection exist solely for the purpose of providing a container for system users.
Append to array
This tag indicates an append to array directive, it is used when setting nested offsets: whenever this offset is encountered in a sequence of nested offsets, the sequence following this offset will be appended to the offset preceding this tag.
This tag identifies the status section which provides information on the outcome of the operation, which includes the eventual error message if the operation failed.
This block may contain the following elements:
This tag identifies the paging section which provides information on the number of affected records, skipped records, the maximum number of returned records and the actual number of returned records.
This block may contain the following elements:
This tag indicates the results dictionary.
This block may contain the following elements:
This tag provides a general indication on the outcome of the operation, it can take two values:
List operator parameters.
This tag defines the list operator parameters operation.
This operation requires no parameters, it will return the list of all operator parameters including the followig information:
List reference count parameters.
This tag defines the list reference count parameters operation.
This operation requires no parameters, it will return the key/value list of all parameters governing reference count selection. The key represents the paramater flag used to select only those items having a reference count in a specific collection, the value holds the related tag holding the reference count, this value is the tag sequence number.
List statistics.
This tag defines the list statistics operation.
This operation will return the list of statistics associated to the provided domain, the service expects the following parameters:
The response format is an array organised as follows:
Match tag labels.
This tag defines the match tag labels operation.
The service will return a list of tag label strings corresponding to the provided pattern, language, operator and limit.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Match tag summary labels.
This tag defines the match tag summary labels operation.
The service will return a list of tag label strings corresponding to the provided pattern, language, operator and limit, these labels will only come from tags which can be included in summaries.
This service expects the same parameters as the {@link kAPI_OP_MATCH_TAG_LABELS} service, except that the result will filter only labels from summary tags.
Match term labels.
This tag defines the match term labels operation.
The service will return a list of term label strings corresponding to the provided pattern, language, operator and limit.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Match tag by label.
This tag defines the match summary tags by label operation.
The service will return a list of tag objects whose label matches the provided pattern, language, operator and limit.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Match tag by identifier.
This tag defines the match tag by identifier operation.
The service will return the tag whose native identifier or serial number matches the provided parameter.
Match summary tags by label.
This tag defines the match tag by label operation.
The service will return a list of tag objects whose label matches the provided pattern, language, operator and limit; these labels will only come from tags which can be included in summaries.
This service expects the same parameters as the {@link kAPI_OP_MATCH_TAG_BY_LABEL} service, except that the result will include only summary tags.
The result is an array of elements representing the disting offsets of the tags selected by the label:
Match term by label.
This tag defines the match term by label operation.
The service will return a list of term objects whose label matches the provided pattern, language, operator and limit.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Get tag enumerations.
This tag defines the get tag enumerations operation.
The service will return the enumerated set related to the provided tag.
This operation expects the following parameters:
The result will be returned in the {@link kAPI_RESPONSE_RESULTS} section of the response, it will be an array whose elements are structured as follows:
Get node enumerations.
This tag defines the get node enumerations operation.
The service will return the enumerated set related to the provided node.
This operation expects the following parameters:
The result will be returned in the {@link kAPI_RESPONSE_RESULTS} section of the response, it will be an array whose elements are structured as follows:
Get node form.
This tag defines the get node form operation.
The service will return the structure related to the provided form node, if the provided node is not a form, the method will raise an exception.
This operation expects the following parameters:
The result will be returned in the {@link kAPI_RESPONSE_RESULTS} section of the response, it will be an array whose elements are structured as follows:
Get node structure.
This tag defines the get node structure operation.
The service will return the structure related to the provided struct node, if the provided node is not a structure, the method will raise an exception.
This operation expects the following parameters:
The result will be returned in the {@link kAPI_RESPONSE_RESULTS} section of the response, it will be an array whose elements are structured as follows:
Match units.
This tag defines the match units operation.
The service will use the provided criteria to apply a filter to the units collection and return information based on the provided parameters.
This operation expects the following parameters:
The results structure depends on the kind of request:
Get unit.
This tag defines the get unit operation.
The service will return a unit matching the provided identifier as a clustered result.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Get user.
This tag defines the get user operation.
The service will return a user matching the provided identifier as a clustered result.
This operation expects the following parameters:
Reference count (string/array).
This tag defines the requested reference count collection.
This parameter is a flag that indicates the collection or collections in which the requested tag must have values. The parameter may either be a string or an array from the following enumerated set:
The service will only select those tags which have values in the provided collections.
Match operator (strings array).
This tag defines the requested string match operator.
These are the required choices:
The parameter must be an array which contains one of the above choices and optionally any number of modifiers from the following list:
Input type (string).
This tag defines the criteria input type.
The parameter will be sent along with the search criteria to identify the specific input control associated with the current criteria element. This value is a string which can take one of the following values:
Search criteria (array).
This tag defines the search criteria list.
The parameter is an array containing the list of tags and relative match values to be used in a search.
Each element is structured as follows:
Result type (string).
This tag defines the result type.
This parameter is used by services selecting units, it indicates what kind of data the service should return. This parameter is required if the {@link kAPI_PARAM_DOMAIN} is provided: it indicates what kind of data the service should return:
This parameter is ignored if the {@link kAPI_PARAM_DOMAIN} parameter is not provided.
Result grouping (string).
This tag defines the results grouping.
This parameter is used by services selecting units, it provides a list of property identifiers which determine the results groupings.
The value may either be a string or a list of strings, in the first case the result will be an array indexed by the property value with the records count as value, in the second case the result will be a nested array clustering the groups starting from the first element to the last; only the leaf elements will hold the record count.
Result summary (array).
This tag defines the results summary matches.
This parameter is used by services originating from a summary results set, it is an array containing the offset and match value of all the elements of the current summary element.
The elements key represents the offset and the value the match value. When providing values in this parameter, you should not provide the leaf element of the summary, by default the domain: this element's value belongs in the {@link @link kAPI_PARAM_DOMAIN} parameter.
Geographic shape (shape).
This tag defines the geographic shape.
This parameter is used by services selecting units, it provides a geographic shape which can be used to further filter units based on their location.
The value must have the following format:
Depending on the type of the shape:
Geographic shape offset (string/int).
This tag defines the geographic shape offset.
This parameter is required if the {@link kAPI_PARAM_SHAPE} parameter was provided, it defines the offset corresponding to the shape property; it should be the tag native identifier.
Excluded tags (array).
This tag defines the excluded tags list.
This parameter can be used to prevent the search from covering the tags provided in the list, the elements may be the tag native identifier or the tag squence number. This parameter is generally used by services selecting tags or tag labels.
Log request (boolean).
This parameter determines whether the request should be returned by the service.
If the parameter is TRUE, the service will return the request in the {@link kAPI_RESPONSE_REQUEST} section of the response.
If the parameter is FALSE or omitted, the request will not be returned.
Recurse (boolean).
This parameter determines whether the request should recursively be applied to nested levels.
This parameter is relevant only to those services which need to traverse structures, if the parameter is TRUE, the service will traverse all nested levels, returning the tree of results; if the parameter is FALSE, the service will only traverse the root level of the structure.
Property type (string).
This tag indicates the type of the formatted property, it indicates how the {@link kAPI_PARAM_RESPONSE_FRMT_DISP} is structured and whether to expect additional parameters:
The above descriptions assume that the response contains the {@link kAPI_PARAM_RESPONSE_FRMT_NAME} and optional {@link kAPI_PARAM_RESPONSE_FRMT_INFO} parameters.
Statistics header (array).
This tag indicates the statistics header as an array, the elements are structured as follows:
Full-text input (string).
This parameter indicates a form full-text input.
A form element of this type should feature the following elements:
Note that when using this type of input, the tag reference must be {@link kAPI_PARAM_FULL_TEXT_OFFSET}.
String input (string).
This parameter indicates a form string input.
A form element of this type should feature the following elements:
Range input (string).
This parameter indicates a form range input.
A form element of this type should feature the following elements:
Shape input (string).
This parameter indicates a form shape input.
A form element of this type should feature the following elements:
Offset presence (array).
This parameter indicates an offset assertion.
This will generally be provided as a computed value, rather than from a traditional form, it ensures that a specific offset is present.
The offset is indicated in the array element index and no other parameter is required.
Group data (array).
This parameter collects details of the {@link kAPI_PARAM_GROUP} parameter elements which are needed to handle summaries, it is an array structured as follows:
Offsets subset (boolean).
This parameter is set if a subset of the offsets related to a criteria is provided, this means that the search will not operate on all offsets.
The outcome is that if not set, unindexed properties will be search-optimised with the {@link kTAG_OBJECT_TAGS}, while if set, the {@link kTAG_OBJECT_OFFSETS} property will be used.
Node reference.
This attribute is used in elements referencing nodes, it holds an enumerated set that determines the kind of reference:
Structure index.
The value of this attribute is a tag object reference, this attribute requires the presence of the {@link kIO_XML_ATTR_STRUCT_REF} attribute which should reference a list of structures: it indicates which offset of the list element should be used as the list index.
Structure value.
The value of this attribute is a tag object reference, this attribute requires the presence of the {@link kIO_XML_ATTR_STRUCT_REF} and {@link kIO_XML_ATTR_STRUCT_IDX} attributes which should reference a list of structures: it provides the value that will be matched with the list element offset in {@link kIO_XML_ATTR_STRUCT_IDX} to select the desired list element.